Sunday, December 7, 2008

Send Holiday Cards for Military Personnel, Veterans, Wounded Soldiers and Their Families

Today is Sunday, December 7th. Sixty-seven years ago on Sunday, December 7, 1941, Japanese warplanes attacked Pearl Harbor, killing and wounding thousands of American troops.

Thus this is a very appropriate day for me to post about participating in a program to send holiday greeting cards to military personnel, veterans, wounded soldiers, and their families.

I learned about this program through comments on LinkedIn, a professional social media site. Some of the comments indicated that we should show support for the troops all year round, which of course I agree with. Yet today I want to share the link at that explains this particular program because I've just signed 20 holiday cards.

This may not be a big deal for many people, but for me it is. I don't send holiday cards, personally feeling that the money and paper spent on this can be better spent. Yet I bought a box of 20 cards and signed them all because I do feel that we need to show our appreciation for our troops and their families.

Even if you're like me and usually don't send holiday greeting cards, consider sending before December 10th HOLIDAY CARDS TO OUR TROOPS.

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