Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Blogging: A Potentially Potent Way to Change the World for the Better

Thanks to my younger daughter sending me the link to The Buzz Bin (the blog of Livingston Communications at www.livingstonbuzz.com/blog/), I read a post about blogs that promote good deeds:

“A year ago there were about 15 notable nonprofit and philanthropy bloggers. Today dozens of voices regularly discuss community and global change, often in relation to the role of the social Web,” this post noted.

There followed a link to the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s Give & Take roundup of blogs about the nonprofit world at http://philanthropy.com/giveandtake/.

I thought the Livingston blog post rather academic in tone. (I’m reading NOW IS GONE – the book Geoff Livingston wrote with Brian Solis – and I have the same reaction to the writing in the book). Yet I thought some blog posts found on Give & Take were quite interesting – and the blog posts have info to help people who donate to charities as well as people who run charities.

Take a look at http://philanthropy.com/giveandtake/ – you just may find yourself inspired to do good deeds.

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